Garrett's Hypotonia Story

This is the blog about my son, Garrett. He was born in 2003 with hypotonia, but he does not have a diagnosis. His hypotonia seems to be mild to moderate.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I can't remember what I wanted to write.

I logged on here because I remembered something last night that I wanted to post here. I can't remember what that was! Ugh! I know I'll remember at an inconvenient when I'm changing a diaper. By the time I get the diaper changed, thrown away, and hands washed while reminding myself over and over so that I can write it down the second my hands are dry, one of the boys will be in to something, I'll find him and then completely forget that I wanted to write down that thought in my head. I'll remember hours later that I wanted to write something down, but what was it exactly that I wanted to write down anyway?

Where did my brain go?

Well, I guess I'll just write something. Life is never boring around here. Here are a few random thoughts.

I took the boys to the zoo over the weekend. They always love going to the zoo. I have to admit I am a little captivated by it as well. I do enjoy seeing the animals. You just don't get the same experience watching videos as you do seeing the animals in real life. The Cincinnati Zoo is a top ranked zoo in the nation, so there is lots to see. For the first time EVER I saw the male lions. Whenever I go, the female lions are out. The females are cute, but I wanted to see the males!! Well, we got quite a show!! The lions (2 of them) were roaring and playing. It was quite a site! We were also privledged enough to see them...ahem...bathing one another, if you know what I mean. It was hilarious! I felt like such an immature child because I was giggling about it. It was just funny to see these 2 lions doing that with about 25 people staring at them.

Rylan has an ear infection. That was a fun few nights. Of course, I suspected an ear infection on Sunday morning, but I couldn't take him to the doctor until Monday. I could have taken him to urgent care, but I thought he would be fine to wait until Monday. I gave him some Motrin, and that seemed to help. He's been taking an anitbiotic since Monday, and he woke up with a smile instead of a cry this morning. He's feeling better. :)

Garrett is back to walking as if he never broke his leg! Thanks goodness for that! We have also started potty training again. I really don't think he will be day trained until he is 4. He just doesn't seem to know when he has to go until it has already started. He knows when he needs to go #2 though. He only tells me about 50% of the time for that, but it's a start. I would like to have him completely trained before he goes to kindergarten...IF it looks like he will be ready by then. That is about 2 years away, so we have plenty of time! With Garrett, he needs to do something a million times before he gets it. We have taken him to the bathroom about 200,000 times, so we should get to a million by the time he's 5. Okay, that is a bit of an exaggeration, but for those of you whose children have motor planning problems, you understand.

I think that's it for the random thoughts!