Garrett's Hypotonia Story

This is the blog about my son, Garrett. He was born in 2003 with hypotonia, but he does not have a diagnosis. His hypotonia seems to be mild to moderate.

Friday, December 01, 2006

More Good Things Happening!

Let's see...Garrett has proven that he can in fact ride a tricycle! Time to dust off the one in our basement that we've had and never used for 2 years! It was just a little too depressing for me to attempt the tricycle riding when he wasn't capable. He can also climb on the play structure at school to go down the slide. He loves the slide, so I'm not surprised he's doing this. The play structure has steps (not the ladder to climb up the slide), so that is easier for him anyway. He holds on to the handrail and walks up the steps. He's really slow, but hey, he's doing it!! One day when I was picking him up from school, he came over to me but then turned around and walked back to the slide! He went down 2 more times before deciding he was ready to go. Usually he is ready to go as soon as he sees me.

Little Rylan was fighting an ear infection for awhile. I think he finally won. We had to switch to Omnicef after the amoxicillan (did I spell that right?) didn't work. That was the first time I witnessed a resistant strand of bacteria, and let me tell you that it was not fun!! He actually seemed to be better until 2 days after his last dose of the amoxicillan. The doctor told me it knocked it down, but it didn't knock it out. Makes sense.

What else? Garrett added 2 new words to his vocabulary, and I think he may be combining 2 words. His 2 new words are pillow (peo) and NO, NO, NO! I can't believe he is just now saying no. That is something Rylan started doing at 15 or 16 months. :( He also pretends to fall down and then says "uh oh. dn." (Uh oh. Down.) Whenever he falls, I say "uh oh. You fell down!" So, I know that is what he is saying. He is also knocking his sippy cup over and saying the same thing. Cute that he is pretending, and nice that he understands what I'm saying enough to use it correctly. Still, sometimes I wonder if he will EVER say a full sentence. *Sigh*

Garrett got his first "report card". The kids are rated by how much they can do with little to no teacher support. Of course, the majority of the things listed Garrett as still needing quite a bit of support. I'm not surprised. I'm hoping the spring report card will show improvement over this one. I know he's delayed, so I'm not letting this bother me...much. I've read through enough evaluations and progress reports over the past 3 years to know Garrett's reports will read as "delayed...needs lots of assistance". That's why he's in preschool and in therapy.

In other news, I am hoping to start teaching next year as a special education teacher. I think I want to be in the grade school level. This is all contingent upon me being accepted into a master's degree program that is at one of the local universities. There is a master's program for people like me that want to teach but have a bachelor's degree in something other than education/teaching. I hope I can get in to the program! I need a meaningful career. I'm just not cut out for the business world anymore. I need a more touchy-feely job, and I think this is the direction I want to go. If I am accepted into this program and secure a teaching job for next school year, I will start classes this summer to prepare me for teaching, and then I will go to school 2 evenings a week for 4 more sememsters. (I think it's 4 more semesters...something like that.) It will be a hectic 2-3 years, but it will be worth it.