Garrett's Hypotonia Story

This is the blog about my son, Garrett. He was born in 2003 with hypotonia, but he does not have a diagnosis. His hypotonia seems to be mild to moderate.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Crazy how life goes by so quickly

I'm not really sure what all has happened with Garrett's progress since the last time I posted. His language is progressing...finally!! He is talking more but still leaving the ends off most words. He now says "milk" instead of "meal" when he wants milk. Of course, it sounds like he is saying "mealk". I'll take what I can get though! He is also using a few 2 word phrases. It's not very often that he uses 2 word phrases, but it's a start. He can answer yes or no questions, but usually the answer is always no, even if he means yes. Still really frustrated with this, but the speech will come eventually.

He continues to grow like a weed. In January, I had to buy him size 4T pants. Some of the 4T pants are a little big, but the 3T look like capris on him now! LOL! I can shop in the little boys' department for him now too. Those start at size 4, and there isn't a huge difference between 4T and 4. The cut seems to be a little different.

I started Garrett on an Omega 3-6-9 suppliment to hopefully help with his motor planning issues, specifically speech. I'm not sure if it's helping or not. It seems to be, but who knows. We also take him to see a chiropractor every 2 weeks. Again, not sure if that is helping either.

In January, Garrett saw a new developmental pediatrician to address my concerns about verbal apraxia and PDD. We are in the process of getting those evals. He saw the speech therapist last week, and we'll get those results next month when he sees the pediatrician again. Such a looooong process.

That's all I have time to write for now. Hopefully I will be able to write an update after we see the developmental ped next month.